Why Are the Young People Leaving the Church
註釋If you are a parent, an elder, a youth leader, a pastor, a priest, or a young person, inside or outside of the church, this book is written just for you. The youth of today are facing serious issues, causing an unprecedented apathy in their walk with God. It is said throughout the Bible that the youth will finish the battle. They shall rise and have visions; they will lead a holy revolution and finish the gospel. Therefore, the enemy is like a roaring lion seeking them especially to devour. This book offers an analytic view of what is going on in our churches and provides practical solutions. The book is not at all biased; it is well-grounded. The book merely advocates religion but greatly elevates the Bible as the one and true guide to living a godly life. Sometimes the youth are overlooked, but that does not mean they must leave. There is a raging storm on the outside, and the only safe place is in the ark of safety. As described in the chapters, there is much fun in the world, but they also come with consequences as did for Adam and Eve. Traditions and culture can sometimes wrongly influence the youth, but knowing Gods truth should serve as an anchor to keep Christians grounded. The enablers tacitly infiltrate pagan customs, which causes other religions to question Christianitys genuineness, but the truth of the matter is Christianity is not the problem. We must remain faithful, be active in sharing the gospel, and when Jesus, our redeemer, returns as the groom to take His bride, the church, hopefully we will all be part of the remnant elect.