'A sharp and incisive account of how state education has been dismantled into a system of competing Multi-Academy Trusts. We were told ‘choice' would deliver higher standards. It didn't. It made the system more chaotic, wasteful and segregated. This book explains how it was done.' Alasdair Smith, National Secretary, Anti Academies Alliance
Terry Edwards and Carl Parsons tell the story of the takeover of England's schools by the super-efficient, modernising, academising machine, which, in collaboration with a dynamic, forward-looking government is recasting the educational landscape. England's school system is turbo-charged into a new era and will be the envy of the world, led by Chief Executives of Multi Academy Trusts on bankers' salaries, imposing a slim curriculum, the soundest of discipline regimes and ensuring that highest standards will be achieved even if at the expense of teacher morale, poor service to special needs, off-rolling of students and despite an absolute lack of evidence that this privatised system works.