Integrated Organic Farming Handbook
註釋Organic agriculture has grown out of the conscious efforts by inspired people to create the best possible relationship between the earth and men. After almost a century of neglect, organic agriculture is now finding place in the mainstream of development and shows great promise commercially, socially and environmentally. Integrated organic farming is a commonly and broadly used word to explain a more integrated approach to farming as compared to existing monoculture approaches. It refers to agricultural systems that integrate livestock and crop production and may sometimes be known as Integrated Bio systems. It denotes a holistic system of farming which optimizes productivity in a sustainable manner through creation of interdependent agri-eco systems where annual crop plants (e.g. wheat), perennial trees (e.g. horticulture) and animals (including fishes where relevant) are integrated on a given field or property .This concept of organic farming is based on following principles: 1. Nature is the best role model for farming, since it does not use any inputs nor demand unreasonable quantities of water.2. The entire system is based on intimate understanding of nature's ways of replenishment. The system does not believe in mining of the soil of its nutrients and do not degrade it in any way. 3. The soil in this system is considered as a living entity 4. The soil's living population of microbes and other organisms are significant contributors to its fertility on a sustained basis and must be protected and nurtured, at all cost. 5. The total environment of the soil, from soil structure to soil cover is more important and must be preserved. Integrated Organic farming is a method of farming system, which primarily aims at cultivating the land and raising crops in such a way, so as to keep the soil alive and in good health. It is the use of organic wastes (crop, animal and farm wastes, aquatic wastes) and other biological materials, mostly produced insitu- along with beneficial microbes (bio fertilizers) to release nutrients to crops, which connotes the ‘organic’ nature of organic farming. It is also termed as organic agriculture. In the Indian context it is also termed as ‘Javik Krishi’. We have compiled all the relevant information regarding integrated organic farming in this book. This is first book of its kind which contains reliable details related to organic farming, green manuring, biological nitrogen fixation, uses of vermiculture bio-tech, organic fertilizers for flooded rice ecosystem, biological pest management, press mud as plant growth promoters, bio fertilizer for multipurpose tree species, rice- fish integration, response of crops to organic fertilizer and many more. The book is very useful for farmers, agriculture, universities, consultants and research scholars.