Brief Animadversions on Amendments Of, & Additional Explanatory Records To, the Fourth Part of the Institvtes of the Lawes of England
Concerning the Jvrisdiction of Courts, Compiled by the Late Famous Lawyer, Sir Edward Cooke, Knight (Chief Justice of Both Benches) in His Life-time, But Published and Re-printed (with Some Disadvantage) Since His Death : Wherein the Misquotations, Mistakes of Records, Antiquities Cited in Them, are Rectified, Some Doubtful Passages Explained, and Many Ommissions of Vsefull Records Supplyed ... the Transcripts of which Records Out of the Originals, are at Large Inserted, Many Others Chronologically and Briefly Quoted : with Tables Thereunto ...
出版T. Ratliffe, and T. Daniel, for A. Crooke W. Leake, A. Roper, 1669