Debate on the Points of Difference in Faith and Practice Between the Two Religious Bodies Known as the Disciples of Christ and the Regular Baptists
Embracing the Subject of Calvinism and the Design of Baptism: Held in the Village of Springfield, in the County of Elgin, Ontario, from the 10th to the 12th September, 1874, Between Prof. Crawford, Woodstock, Ont. and Elder John S. Sweeny, Paris, Ke
出版Trieste Publishing Pty Limited, 2017-10-04
主題Religion / Christianity / Baptist

About the Book

Books about Baptists discuss the history, beliefs and practices of Christians who baptize their adherents by complete immersion in water, and place great store in redemption through faith. Titles include: Baptist Layman's Book. A Compend of Baptist History, Principles, Practices, and Institutions, The Baptists and the American revolution, The Standard Manual for Baptist Churches, Spurgeon's Gold: New Selections from the Works of C. H. Spurgeon, What Baptists Believe; The New Hampshire Confession, an Exposition, and John Thomas: first Baptist missionary to Bengal, 1757-1801.

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