I Know What You Did Last Supper

The price of betrayal is more than thirty pieces of silver.

Two days after Jesus Christ's crucifixion, Judas Iscariot receives an anonymous note stating, I know what you did. Wrapped with it is an eye, complete with trailing optic nerve, and a splintered tooth -trophies ripped from two recently butchered friends. Someone, it seems, knows what Judas did on that fateful night following the Last Supper. And that someone is intent on exacting a bloody and gruesome revenge.

As more acquaintances and family members die in increasingly brutal ways, Judas finds himself in a desperate race against time to make amends for his act of treachery, and to uncover the identity of the mysterious hooded killer.

A relentlessly paced, gripping thriller, which further explores one of the darkest bargains in human history. You might just find yourself engaged in the unthinkable: rooting for the man who betrayed Christ.