Deep Pockets


Early on in this fine collection, an old dog "plunges her snout deep in the sloppy pocket / of the sensual present." So it is that the deep pockets of Daniel Thomas are tongued and explored again and again in generous poems of love and of longing, of grief and of guilt. Thomas brings a precision of line and a vulnerability of feeling to convince us, finally, that "heaven / and despair touch like dew and fog." These are poems to keep and to ponder as we seek--each one of us--our own ways forward into this world.

--Paul J. Willis, author of Getting to Gardisky Lake

Like the snow that falls through so many of his poems, Daniel Thomas's words create shapes that outline the essential form of the things we love: the beauty of nature, the bonds of familial love, the mystery of being alive. Incantatory cadences and wordplay harness our attention and leave us vulnerable, open to revelations about the things we once knew and had forgotten. This is a collection to savor and dwell within.

--Gregory Wolfe, Editor, Image