Magnitude Estimations of Coriolis Sensations
註釋This investigation was concerned with estimates of the subjective strength of the Coriolis vestibular reaction evoked by 30 deg. lateral head motions at constant angular velocity in the Slow Rotation Room. In the first experiment, a power relation was obtained between geometric mean magnitude estimates of the Coriolis reaction and angular velocity. These estimates tended to be greater when vision was present than in its absence. In both conditions of visual reference, head motions evoking a pitch-forward sensation were more disturbing than those producing a pitch-back sensation. In the second experiment, it was found that the strongest reaction was produced by the return from the left shoulder (counterclockwise rotation), and the next strongest by the return from the right shoulder. Subjective rankings did not differentiate adequately between the strengths of the right and left tilt motions. (Author).