Sustaining Sustainers
註釋This alternative format dissertation explores how four early career teachers and their early career teacher educator practice culturally sustaining pedagogies across classrooms and communities. Using constant comparative methods and multiple lenses on teacher knowledge and learning to teach across identities, literacies, and inequities, it generates three articles for three different potential journal audiences: 1) "Practice-ing A Flow: Moving Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies from Preparation to Practice" (e.g. Journal of Teacher Education or Research in the Teaching of English), 2) "Driving Together: Humanizing Research Toward Mentorship for Justice-Oriented Teaching" (e.g. English Journal, English Education), and 3) "Preparing to Leave: Teachers and Teacher Educators Approaching What Could Be (e.g. The Atlantic, Huffington Post). Each article takes up a different aspect of the research and advances insights and implications of relevant interest for these journal audiences