The Form of Process, Before the Lords of Council and Session, Observed in Advocations, Ordinary Actions, Suspensions
Shewing Also, the Manner of Making Protestations for Remedy in Law, and how Summons Thereon was Brought Before the Parliament of Scotland : and the Way How, Since the Union, Such Process is Laid Before the House of Peers : with the Form of Process Before the Lords of Session, as Commissioners Appointed by Parliament, for Plantation of Kirks, Valuation and Sale of Tythes : to All which is Prefix'd the Present State of the College of Justice, Giving an Account of the Members Thereof, and of the Order Observed by the Lords of Session in Judging Causes : with the Fees and Prices of Writs Paid to the Several Offices and Members of the Session : Written for the Use of Students in Spotiswood's College of Law
出版J. Moncur, and sold by J. Vallange, 1711