Business Statistics: Australia and New Zealand Edition
註釋By providing a framework for solving statistical problems, this eighth Australian and New Zealand edition of Business Statistics teaches skills that students can use throughout their career. The book shows how to analyse data effectively by focusing on the relationship between the kind of problem being faced, the type of data involved and the appropriate statistical technique for solving the problem. Business Statistics emphasises applications over theory. It illustrates how vital statistical methods and tools are for today's managers and analysts, and how to apply them to business problems using real-world data. Using a proven three-step Identify-Compute-Interpret (ICI) approach to problem solving, the text shows students how to: 1. IDENTIFY the correct statistical technique by focusing on the problem objective and data type; 2. COMPUTE the statistics doing them by hand and using Excel; and 3. INTERPRET results in the context of the problem. This unique approach enhances comprehension and practical skills. The text's vast assortment of data-driven examples, exercises and cases covers the various functional areas of business, demonstrating the statistical applications that marketing managers, financial analysts, accountants, economists and others use. Completely up-to-date and with a NEW XLStat analysis plugin/tool, the eighth edition offers comprehensive coverage, current examples and an increased focus on applications in the real world. Premium online teaching and learning tools are available on the MindTap platform. Learn more about the online tools cengage.com.au/mindtap