The Holt Handbook
Laurie G. Kirszner
Stephen R. Mandell
Harcourt College Publishers
, 2002
Language Arts & Disciplines / Writing / Nonfiction (incl. Memoirs)
Language Arts & Disciplines / Grammar & Punctuation
Chapter 4, "Writer's Notebook: Composing an Essay, " demonstrates the entire process of planning an essay from brainstorming and making a topic tree to revising and preparing a final draft. The chapter follows the writing process of Nguyen Dao, a first-year composition student.
A unique Chapter 5, "Essay Patterns and Purposes, " provides students with eight full-length essay examples of the rhetorical modes.
Nine chapters guide students through every aspect of the research process, making The Holt Handbook's coverage of the research process the most comprehensive of any handbook on the market.
"Research Notebook: A Student's Process, " follows a student's progress from assignment to final paper.
A full chapter on avoiding plagiarism (Chapter 15) relays the ethical importance of acknowledging both print and Internet sources.
Part 8, "Writing in the Disciplines, " offers seven chapters in writing across the curriculum, including separate chapters on writing in the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural and applied sciences.
Special computer boxes that provide students with advice or writing serve on integrate coverage of technology with the writing process.
A total of 12 Student Papers appear throughout the text, modeling good writing.
New to the Sixth edition
A new organization emphasizes the "Writing First" orientation of the book. The nine-chapter research section now follows the section on composing an essay, in order to show students the relationship between writing an essay and writing a research paper.
A concise Color-Coded Guide to the Plan of the Book, located on the inside front cover, enhances The Holt Handbook as a referencetool.
Dictionary-style "Thumb Cuts, " color-coded to the nine sections of the book, enable users to navigate throughout the book quickly and easily.
Frequently asked questions appear at the beginning of each chapter, addressing problems that students encounter most often. These FAQs are cross-referenced to a page where the answer is marked with a question mark icon.
Pertinent URLs identified in every chapter as footnotes enable the students to use the Internet and to find additional information about the topics discussed.
A special ESL icon directs students to materials in Chapter 56, "English for Speaker of Other Languages."
A new Chapter 13, "Evaluating Web Sites, " offers students guidelines for assessing the purpose, content and format of Web sites.