Did Indians Build Egyptian Pyramids?

This is a collection of my articles on Egyptian civilization and its link with Hindu civilization. The very first article ‘Did Indians build the Pyramids?' Which is the title of the book has attracted lot of comments, some are by email.

The comments against the article criticized it as the best joke. They refused to see the meaning behind it. The measurements and the ideas came from India. The dams in the British period were built by Indian workers, may be with the help of Indian engineers. But we say that the British built it. So do Taj Mahal. It was not built by Shah Jahan but by workers of Delhi area. But the history books gave the credit to the Mogul emperor. And even the Big Temple in Tamil Nadu. King Raja Raja Chozhan was the force behind it. When I say the Egyptian Pyramids were built by Indians, it was the idea we gave them. It was the Sutra measurements we gave them. Ziggurats of Middle East are nothing but Sikharas, now we use the word Sikhara for Everest and Nanda Devi and Nanga Parvat. The Mudras of Hindu idols, the funeral mantras of Atharvana Veda are also seen in Egyptian Pyramids.