Exploring the Psycho-social Therapies Through the Personalities of Effective Therapists
Drug-free Psycho-social Therapy with Schizophrenics, Depressives, Neurotics, and Juvenile Delinquents, and Therapy Plus Drugs with Schizophrenics
出版U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration, National Institute of Mental Health, 1978
註釋The National Institute of Mental Health has long been interested in the effectiveness of various ways of dealing with the mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. However, there is a continuing problem in evaluation in that it is sometimes difficult to describe accurately what goes on in therapy. This study examines the personality of the intervener, to better understand what is being done, and assess the effectiveness of specific kinds of interventions. The studies are presented chronologically, in the first person, to enable the reader to see clearly where the ideas and methods came from, where they went awry, and where they appear to have worked well. A number of critical issues are considered, some of them methodologic, others substantive. One recurring question concerns the extent to which it may be possible to specify good psycho-social therapy in general. Or must we find the psycho-social therapy which is appropriate to each type of human problem? On this issue will ultimately depend the optimal designs for mental health services, for mental health research, and for mental health training.