1848-1849 a magyar zsidóság életében
註釋A collection of documents, articles in the press and in journals, and excerpts from books, all published in 1848-49, dealing with the question of the emancipation of Hungarian Jewry. Speaking for emancipation, among others, were Mór Jókai, Sándor Petőfi, József Bajza, Mihály Táncsics. Those against, in the Hungarian parliament, were Count Lipót Nádasdy and Count Ferenc Zichy. Their antisemitic speeches had an effect even after 15 March 1848, when Hungarian Jews were almost emancipated - e.g. in April Jews were expelled from the cities of Székesfehérvár and Szombathely, and they were robbed and beaten in Pressburg. Presents reactions to these atrocities and in favor of the Jews. Emancipation was granted in 1849.