PRIMET Version 1.0, Manual and Technical Description
A Decision Support System for Assessing Pesticide RIsks in the Tropics to Man, Environment and Trade
出版Alterra, 2005
註釋Pesticide exposure via for instance spray drift or runoff to surface water, accumulation in the topsoil, and leaching to groundwater potentially affects organisms in water and soil and might also pose risks to humans via dietary exposure, in case they consume contaminated aquatic products like groundwater, macrophytes and fish. To estimate these risks at the household level the PRIMET Decision Support System was developed. PRIMET runs with a minimum of input data and is developed to be used in developing countries. The risk assessment is expressed in Exposure Toxicity Ratio’s which are calculated by dividing the predicted exposure by the safe concentration. This report provides a mathematical description of the processes incorporated into PRIMET and a user manual. PRIMET is freely available at www.primet.wur.nl