Keep Their Flame
Passing Down Stories of Our Family's Military Service
出版Jason Volz, 2022-07-18
主題History / Military / General
註釋Many members of our family have served in the military. My grandfather, Ray Volz, flew B-17 bombers in WWII with the 303rd Bomb Group. My great-great-grandfather, Andrew Sullivan, volunteered to defend Pendleton, Oregon in the Bannock War of 1878's Battle of Willow Springs. Andrew's father, Francis Sullivan, gave his life fighting for the Union Army in the Civil War's Battle of Poison Spring. Joseph Sapp, my 5x great-grandfather, was a member of the Delaware Continentals in the Revolutionary War and volunteered to be a part of the Forlorn Hope of the Siege of Ninety-six. The stories of their service and the battles they fought in are fading away with time. This is my attempt to document those stories for future generations of our family.