Leading Business in Dynamic Changes: From Personal to Corporate Leadership
Harry Sutanto
Nopriadi Saputra
Syiah Kuala University Press
, 2022-05-31
Business & Economics / Accounting / General
Education / Leadership
Business & Economics / Leadership
This book is a collaboration as well as a vehicle to perpetuate the friendship between two writers, Dr. Nopriadi Saputra and Dr. Harry Sutanto. Both authors are scholarly practitioners, practitioners as well as academician. Both are faculty member in BINUS Business School at Bina Nusantara University. Both are also management practitioners, especially in the realm of Strategic Human Resource Management. Dr. Nopriadi Saputra has more than 25 years of experience in developing leadership talent at Telkom Indonesia and the Sinarmas Group, while Dr Harry Sutanto has experience in organizational transformation and developing corporate culture in BUMD/BUMN companies as well as national private companies. This book consists of six main sections. The Epilogue is a section that describes the challenges facing today’s business organizations and how important leadership development is in business organizations. The first part of this book discusses the development of leadership concepts or school of leadership from the first generation to the current fifth generation. The second part discusses leadership development as a system that has inputs, processes, and outputs. The third part discusses self-leadership development which is based on three main things, namely the development of positivity, time management, and the development of learning dexterity with digital technology (learning dexterity). Then this book discusses the development of work team leadership. The discussion is based on the synergy and the roles needed in an effective work team. The fifth section discusses business unit leadership development. In this section the discussion focuses on business strategy and strategic leadership in business organizations. After that, followed by the sixth section which reviews the development of corporate leadership. Three things were discussed, namely the existence of a corporation, the central role of top management, and the ability to act beyond structure. At the end, the book closes with an epilogue that summarizes and binds all the discussions in a final conclusion. It is hoped that this book can inspire and contribute ideas to leadership development in business organizations in Indonesia in particular. The author also plans to develop this book in an English edition so that it can be enjoyed by many people globally.