Herbal Concoctions And Out Of Options

Willow has to learn to trust someone else when it comes to freeing Azíl. 

With the Sect under investigation and the whole thing out of their hands, Willow has to do the hardest thing she can imagine. Wait. 

Between her cousin's wedding, working out the recipe of an ancient drink, and planning her future with Azíl, she has plenty to keep her busy.


Herbal Concoctions And Out Of Options is book eleven of the Cauldron Coffee Shop Series, a cozy urban fantasy featuring a coffee shop-owning witch, an ancient warlock cursed to live in a teapot, and a cheeky cat. It includes an m/f romantic subplot.

If you love cozy urban fantasy, coffee shop settings, low-stakes adventures, cat familiars, and a warm and fuzzy feeling vibe, start the Cauldron Coffee Shops series with Pumpkin Spice And All Things Nice.

Cauldron Coffee Shop Keywords & Search Terms: urban fantasy, urban fantasy romance, supernatural, witches, warlocks, mages, quirky main character, slow burn romance, second chance romance, cursed warlock, coffee shop, cozy urban fantasy, cosy urban fantasy, paranormal romance, pnr, light-hearted, fun, cult, culture difference, learning about the world, cat, familiar, forced proximity, mundane magic, magical, modern fantasy, wizard, action, archaeology, British urban fantasy, supernatural powers, supernatural suspense, funny