Sickness absenteeism in diabetic employees
註釋The aim of this study is to determine whether there are differences in sickness absenteeism between employees with diabetes mellitus and other employees in Ljubljana. Its purpose is to find some kind of support for the people with diabetes in accordance to the claims of the Saint Vincent Declaration. The study included 400 employees with diabetes and 400 employees without it, matched by sex, age and occupation. The differences between the two groups were looked for in the number of visits to the chosen general physician and in the frequency and duration of sickness absenteeism in the year 1996. Methods of paxametric and nonparametric statistics were used (analysis of variance, chi-square, Willcoxon's matched pairs). The rate of employment of diabetics in the capital of Slovenia was greater than non-diabetics (P0,001). Diabetic employees visited their general physicians on average more often than non-diabetics (P