註釋Mucogingival esthetic surgery is dedicated to the treatment of mucogingival esthetic alterations. These may be caused by gingival recession, often in association with abrasion and/or root caries or, conversely, altered passive eruption. The aims of mucogingival esthetic surgery may also be to augment gingival width and height around prostheses or implants and to fill out edentulous ridges. Techniques for edentulous ridge augmentation are addressed in the second volume. This volume describes and illustrates mucogingival surgical techniques as applied to native teeth or implants, with the chief aim of satisfying the patient's esthetic requirements. This beautifully illustrated book explains the art and science of esthetic surgical techniques for use on the mucogingiva around natural teeth and implants. Featured protocols are centered on making esthetic alterations of mucogingiva, including for clinical situations that have undergone gingival recession or altered passive eruption. The authors show readers how to increase the volume of the gingiva around prosthetic components and implants as well as in filling out extended edentulous ridges.--[Source inconnue].