Unlock Potential - Right Now!
註釋This remarkable book does what it says. It unlocks the potential of the reader and their contacts, personal and professional, in a quick, practical and friendly way. It has been well proven, for it is based on seminars that the author ran for many years with great and unfailing success, - unfailing because they were based on practical experience and positive results, some quite amazing. Ken clearly knows his subject. Each chapter is stand alone, with its own bullet point summaries. The common sense it shares is refreshing and quick to take on board. It talks about the power of love, raising our actions to a higher level of operation that becomes inspirational and powerful. It directs thought to seeking solutions and not focusing on problems, freeing thought to opportunities that are always beckoning. In these changing times the one consistent theme is the need to be part of a caring community, to enhance what we do together. This book is a must. It is a quick uplift, motivator, and identifies the truth of what we are and can undoubtedly achieve.. Every home and business should have a copy. Its message is vital for today's world.