High and Dry
註釋The DFO has the mandate and the power in Canadian law to ensure the protection of fish habitat, but it also has the power to destroy it. [...] Our investigator also directed the official's attention to a stream that had been previously identified by the predevelopment consultants retained by the City as Class A fish habitat but that was now dry because the proponent had dewatered the site by lowering the water table in pumping down the aquifer. [...] After the causeway was removed, the flows in the side channel were sufficient to cover almost all of the exposed redds, despite the fact that the river's natural water levels had not increased. [...] We advised him to contact the local office of the DFO about the situation, as the unauthorized placing of fill in a tidal estuary would be a contravention of the federal Fisheries Act, to wit, the section dealing with harmful alteration of fish habitat. [...] The consultant examined the property and assessed the impact of development and concluded that the development adversely impacts on relatively rare, highly sensitive marine estuarine marsh habitat and recommended that the house be moved and the area impacted restored.