Information Security Officer: Job profile, necessary qualifications, and awareness raising explained in a practical way
註釋Congratulations on your new job as an information security officer! What does this responsibility actually entail? How will you manage not to get bogged down? How are you going to keep all the relevant issues in mind? How will you get started? This book is intended to help you take a holistic approach to information security while retaining an overview of the topic. Its primary aim is to impart the essentials of the IT-Grundschutz approach - both as theory and practice - as per the BSI standards 200-x. This book not only serves as a practical guide to basic protection but also allows you to understand the procedure on your own computer as a mini scenario. Another focus is on awareness-raising trainings for employees of your institution targeted at specific groups. These trainings will need to be individually initiated, planned, implemented, and evaluated. We deal with the relevant technical and organizational aspects and focus on a discursive learning atmosphere devoted to interpersonal exchange, experience-oriented learning scenarios, and practical demonstrations designed to achieve a sustained effect and benefit all employees. Have fun reading and good luck with implementing the ideas!