註釋This handbook summarizes existing information on the ecology and management of paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) and Alaska paper birch (B. neoalaskana Sarg.). The two birches are important components of forests in interior and north-eastern British Columbia and there are many site series in nearly all of the province's biogeoclimatic zones where birch needs to be considered in silviculture prescriptions. After an introduction on paper birch in contemporary British Columbia forestry, the handbook contains sections covering the geographic distribution of paper birch, ecosystems that support paper birch, paper birch biology and silvics (biological features, soil relations, stand and site conditions, regeneration, succession, competition, growth, and yield), management of paper birch in mixed stands, managing to encourage paper birch and for non-timber values, and the role of birch in the province's forest management. Appendices include a glossary and lists of biogeoclimatic units and site series where paper birch is a potential regeneration species in British Columbia forest regions.