
The Book TRANS-CONNECTION & CREATIVITY is dedicated to all People of the Spiritual, of the Cultural and of the Mediological - Blisserdling, redefined as Saved Earthling “Gerettet Erdling”, including men of culture, men of science, folklorians, philosophers, psychologists, theologians, writers, screen – players – writers, poets or journalists, more or less known or anonym, more or less paid or free – lance, which are spread out through hope, through faith and through hardworking, throughout of our Planetary Earth in the last decades of the twenty century and the first decades of the twenty one century…

All of the above are presumed to be and to become in seeking for a better life, for a better information, for a better creativity, which is innate in all human beings and re-adapted into an Earthly of multi - cultural environment of the articulated language, of an hand writing - alphabet and of abstractness of creativity in art, in science, in folklorology, in philosophy, in technology, in video – creativity or mediology…

Our endeavor in creativity is get ready in confronting all kind of destructivity through crisis, through envies, through omission, through misbehavior, through egoism and stupiditism, being against of all kind of rejection and annihilation through subculture and analphabetism, regretfully still encountered at all level of social and political chaotic - classes of our present society, overall in the world…

Mediologist & Encyclopaedist