Alternative Global Transition Pathways to 2050
Robert M'barek
George Philippidis
T. Ronzon
Prospects for the Bioeconomy : an Application of the MAGNET Model with SDG Insights
Publications Office of the European Union
, 2019
Current global resource assessments (IPCC, 2018; IRP, 2019; IPBES, 2019; IPCC, 2019) signal the unsustainability of the present economic system and resource use. Indeed, today's economic system is confronted with the need to decarbonise energy markets and lower greenhouse gas emissions, responsibly manage our natural resources, reduce social inequalities, and meet the food security demands of an increasing global population, whilst continuing to deliver on the 'traditional' metrics of economic growth and living standards. The updated European Bioeconomy Strategy (EC, 2018a) signals the transformative potential of the bioeconomy to address these multiple policy aims. As the bioeconomy incorporates a range of diverse economic activities, the Bioeconomy Strategy inevitably encompasses a broad array of public policies and initiatives, which heightens the need for a coherent approach to their design and implementation to minimise the risk of potential trade-offs or conflicts. This same ethos of interconnectivity is also embedded within the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (UN, 2015). The bioeconomy has been identified as one of the building blocks of the European Commission Communication A Clean Planet for all: A European strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy (Long-term strategy - LTS) (EC, 2018b), and as an important part of the Common Agricultural Policy strategic plans. The role of the bioeconomy as a strategy connecting and leading policies towards more coherence is also emphasised within the agenda of the forthcoming Commission (EC, 2019). The proposed European Green Deal encompasses a New Circular Economy Action Plan focusing on sustainable resource use, a Sustainable Europe Investment Plan, a Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and a new 'Farm to Fork Strategy' on sustainable food throughout the value chain. This technical report presents results of a medium- to long-run modelling exercise, analysing how the bioeconomy and its key objectives could evolve over a medium- to long-term time horizon.