The Dust of Golden Crescent

Fate brings Rajvir, Harry and Davinder together in the hostel to become friends forever. They are enjoying the pursuit of their dreams. Some quirky, murky and flamboyant classmates

keep them on their toes. Everything seems going well. But, then a shocking incident happens which changes the course of their lives. They face tough questions for which they have no

answer nor anyone in the system is ready to help them find the answers. Forced by the circumstances, they set out together to dig out the perpetrators of that incident. A trail of scandalous revelations and disconcerting events begins. Their search leads them to discover bewildering cobweb of crime and criminals. They reach at the point of no return till the

finality of their mission is achieved; they are trapped in a do or die situation. This is when

they get a helping hand to dovetail the events and connect all the dots to reach their

destination and expose the hidden masters.