You must be feeling somewhat drained, after wearing two hats at the same time… Just throw them away and let us sit here to have a break.
If you are too fond of your precious little hats, you might not be able to see the picnic among the trees. There are lots of people camped here, appreciating the river. There will be some signposts to show you the way.
Floating in passivity and ease, we will share a cup of reality’s tea with the ancient sages. Just so nobody gets to call us lazy, we will also be riding on clouds.
This volume includes a complete version of the Dao De Jing (aka Tao Te Ching) from Laozi (aka Lao Tzu, Lao Tse and so on…), accompanied by a handful of other favorite texts on transcendental wisdom.
A book as useless as a flashlight, when you are searching for your own face under a bright sky and there are even other people helping.
You can surely throw yourself forward like an arrow... You don’t HAVE to take a rest. But I myself enjoy some quiet contemplation, and naturally I am ready to share this mat with anybody.