The Re-emergence of Islamic Enlightenment

The Holy Qur’an is replete with verses encouraging man to ponder over the natural order and intricacy of God’s creation. Though it has been the case for much of history that religion and science have hardly seen eye to eye, yet the Muslim scientists of the late-Middle Ages – by spearheading the intellectual advancement of mankind – proved that the Holy Qur’an and science were not opposites. The Golden Age of Islam is a period of history that the Muslim world feels proud of and there is a deep desire within every Muslim to once again witness that great age of scientific enlightenment.

This book comprises of two addresses of His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad – Khalifatul-Masih V who is the leader of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, which were delivered at UNESCO (Paris) and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Researchers Association (AMRA) Conference 2019. In his addresses he not only draws upon the Islamic age of enlightenment, demonstrating the rich legacy of Islamic contribution to mankind’s progress, but urges Muslim scientists in today’s day and age to excel in the world of academia with the aim of serving mankind.