The Message of Evil & Suffering

Evil and suffering have always been part of human experience, but they present a significant challenge to Christian belief in a good and all-powerful God. The biblical writers have no time for unreal idealism, in which the life of faith is supposed to be free from anguish, pain and perplexity. But they are confident that God's power and wisdom are sufficient to overcome and transform evil and suffering, and to enable us to be "more than conquerors" in a broken and hurting world. Peter Hicks expounds a range of relevant biblical texts that enable readers to set the issue of evil and suffering in the context of the nature and purposes of God. They may, he says, be a mystery to us, but they are not a mystery to God. Central to his approach is the conviction that the key lies in the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the suffering and triumph of God himself. He also explores the Bible's teaching on how we are to live in a world of evil and suffering. The author writes warmly and clearly, not only shedding light on two challenging biblical themes, but also offering valuable insights for those currently afflicted. His book thus bears the Bible Speaks Today marks of readability, reliability and relevance. It will be particularly useful for ministers and preachers, committed church members and theology students. As a companion to the Bible Speaks Today commentaries, the Bible Speaks Today Bible Themes Series focuses on the message of key biblical texts supporting differing facets of Christian doctrine in conversation with the history of Christian tradition. Rooted in Christian heritage and interactive with contemporary culture, the series provides a rich resource for preaching, teaching and spiritual growth.