註釋Wetlands - their history, science, and management. The global extent of wetlands. History and wetlands. Wetland science and wetland scientists. Wetland managers and wetland management. The wetland literature. Definitions of wetlands. Distinguishing features of wetlands. The problems of wetlands definition. Formal definitions. Wetland types and wetland resources of North America. Wetland terms and types. The status of wetlands in the United States. Wetlands of Canada. Some major regional wetlands of North America. The wetland environment. Hydrology of wetlands. The importance of hydrology in wetlands. Wetland hydroperiod. The overall wetland water budget. Precipitation. Surface flows. Groundwater. Evapotranspiration. Tides. Specific effects of hydrology on wetlands. Wetland hydrology studies. Biogeochemistry of Wetlands wetland soil. Chemical transformations in wetland soils. Chemical transport into wetlands. Biological adaptations to the wetland environment. Protists. Vascular plants. Animals. Wetland ecosystem development. Landscape patterns in wetlands. Coastal wetland ecosystem. Tidal salt marshes. Geographical extent. Geomorphology. Hydrology. Chemistry. Marsh development and stability. Tidal freshwater marshes. Mangrove wetlands. Inland wetland ecosystems. Freshwater marshes. Northern peatlands. Southern deepwater swamps. Riparian wetlands. Management of wetlands. Values and valuation of wetlands. Wetland management and protection. Wetland creation and restoration. Classification and inventory of wetlands.