註釋Managing entails taking responsibility for and arranging activities and personnel. The best managers think about how their decisions will affect the company as a whole, from upper management to staff to clients. Effective management is all about catering to the specific needs of each staff member so that they may reach their full potential. Managers that take the time to get to know their staff members on a personal level may do a lot to boost morale and career advancement inside the firm, which in turn benefits the business as a whole. A manager's job is to ensure that their staff has all they need to not only do their jobs effectively but to go above and beyond. Managers are held accountable in this book for ensuring that their staff receives proper onboarding, direction, and continued training and development over the course of their employment. But rather than following a standard growth plan, this training should be tailored to each employee's specific needs. Effective management requires the ability to tailor one's instruction to the unique learning styles of each employee. Some workers, for instance, benefit most from hearing instructions laid out verbally, while others learn best from reading them. Some people are slow learners and require more time to become proficient at a task.