Nimble Leader
Unrelenting Focus – Strategy | Leadership Behavior | Results
出版Triumph Books, 2015-05-01
主題Business & Economics / Leadership
註釋Strategy. Leadership Behavior. Results. The three need to mesh for good things to happen in any business, including your own. The data, decisions, and processes that result in a game plan to improve business results all reside in parallel universes—one analytical and one interpersonal. The analytical side of business is easy; it doesn't talk back! The tricky part is capitalizing on the opportunities while at the same time managing the interpersonal dynamics and the inherent conflicts that arise from competing points of view. The Nimble Leader eBook Series melds strategy, leadership behavior, and results in ways that help leaders lead and equips them to better negotiate a dynamic and turbulent marketplace. Throughout this six-volume set, you will explore key concepts that have proven to be practical, useful, and applicable to achieving sustained improvement in business performance over the long run. Nimble Leader focuses on the critical few concepts that are essential to business success. If you are able to truly understand and apply the critical few, you are in a much better position to manage the urgent many . . . when the bullets start to fly!