Christ and his Myths Origins of Early Christianity

Early Christianity had its origin in the

eschatological ministry of Jesus. After his death, his

initial followers banded together to form an

apocalyptic messianic Jewish sect, known as Judeo-

Christians, during the late Second Temple period in the

1st century. Initially, the prevailing belief was that the

resurrection of Jesus marked the beginning of the end

of times. However, over time, this perspective evolved

into anticipating the second coming of Jesus and the

beginning of the Kingdom of God at a future time.

References: Fredriksen, 2018.

Barnett, Paul (2002). Jesus, the Rise of Early Christianity: A History of New

Testament Times. InterVarsity Press. p. 21. ISBN 0-8308-2699-8.

Alister McGrath, former professor of historical

theology at the University of Oxford, claims that many

of the “Jewish Christians” of the first century were

completely faithful religious Jews.