註釋Internship Report from the year 2013 in the subject Geography / Earth Science - Miscellaneous, grade: 1,7, RWTH Aachen University (Lehrstuhl für Geologie, Geochemie und Lagerstätten des Erdöls und der Kohle), course: Petrophysics Practical Course, language: English, abstract: Two different methods were applied to determine the permeability: The absolute permeability (kabs, [m2, Darcy]) of gas was determined by a singlephase experiment with a sandstone as dry sample (LxBxH) shown in figure 1. With this steady state method a constant confining pressure of 4 bar was induced. At the upstream side a gas (air) pressure up to 1.5 bar was created. The gas volume was measured at the downstream side with the soap bubbles: The velocities of the rising bubbles were measured in the brine. Out of this the “bubble” volume the gas flow can be determined. [...]