註釋"On the darkened stairway Jimmy reeled, stifling a scream, his knuckles whitening as he clutched at the banister for support. This couldn't be happening! Alone with his Grandad Jock in Scotland for TWO WHOLE WEEKS!" Dumped by his parents in the care of his strange and sinister Grandad Jock, Jimmy Black is far from happy. How could they do this to him? Unhappiness quickly turns to horror when, on the first morning of his stay, he is force-fed the saltiest porridge in the history of the world... If this is to be his lot each morning for the next two weeks, Jimmy is certain that he will die! What a sad and pathetic end: death by salty porridge! Jimmy Black, though, is a spirited boy who would not dream of accepting such a terrible fate without a fight. Devising a plan to secretly dispose of the foul mixture is easy; little does he know that doing so will lead to a hair-raising adventure deep beneath the ocean floor... Who are the strange people that lurk in the murky waters of Dragaby Bay? Why do they smell faintly of fish? Is there more to his Grandad Jock than meets the eye? And how on Earth can a bowlful of disgustingly salty porridge hold the key to the discovery of the lost city of Atlantis and the very survival of the human race? A fun comic adventure from the writer of Norbert!