Hell has its Demons

An Electrifying Plot That Merges Skilfully Actual Historical Events With Fantastical Elements

Set in the Middle Ages, Mark Lord’s novel tells a gripping story where demons and necromancers engage in a power game with the adventurous protagonists Jake, Roger and the beautiful Isabel, who is accused of witchcraft.

Investigating an infestation of demons in the town of St Brett’s is the last thing that Jake Savage wants to do this summer. But for his master, the controversial Oxford scholar Roger Sotil, it is a chance to prove his theories about demons and avoid charges of heresy.

The Abbot of St Brett's has called for Roger’s help to rid his town of demons. Jake owes Roger a massive debt, but St Brett’s is a town that holds dark memories for him. Who is behind this plot and what is the ultimate prize?

In Hell has its Demons a plot unfolds to use demons to take the ultimate prize of all - the crown of Edward III, King of England.

"With 'Hell Has Its Demons', Jake Savage finally gets a novel and it's a good one." - SFcrowsnest

"What I enjoy most about Mark Lord's writing is that he manages to convey a sense of period without knocking the reader over the head with detail. His settings feel authentic without being manufactured." - SFcrowsnest