The Intersecting Needs of Working Mothers and Their Young Children
Comparing Theory and Expectations Cross-culturally
出版Michigan State University, 1989
註釋In order to understand the intersecting needs of the working mother and her children in developing countries, two questions were addressed: first, is there any evidence that the mother's role satisfaction, which is important for predicting the outcomes of maternal employment in the US, should be considered in predicting the consequences for women's work in developing country contexts; and second, are there differences in the recommendations for maternal employment behavior that stem from models of child development common in the US and those appropriate to developing country contexts. Three differences between US methods of child rearing and patterns described in cross-cultural studies were noted. These were the early transfer of child care from mother to an alternate care giver; greater use of sibling caretakers; and limited role of the father in care taking. It is proposed that policymakers become more aware of their own implicit assumptions about child development, and that a greater understanding of the positions of both the interveners and the clients needs to emerge.