Riding the Pale Horse

The author brings clarity to the veiled truths about death and dying, and the corollary -- life and living, especially with the certainty that it is only time that separates the living from the dead. Dr. Paul has done a wonderful service by making explicit much that was previously implicit, deliberately hidden or considered inappropriate. Congratulations!

Dr. Sunil Chacko, Public Health Doctor, Former Assistant Director, Harvard University International Commission on Health Research; Former World Banker

The book adeptly navigates the intricate theme of mortality with remarkable fluidity, rendering what might initially appear as a somber subject into a palatable and enlightening discourse.

Kishore Nayak, Former International President of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Association

The book is a literary memento mori. Through its felicitous telling, laced with much information and many anecdotes, "Riding the Pale Horse" persuades us to come to terms with that last, inevitable ride. A valuable work indeed.

 Geetha Nair G, Creative Writer, Academic, Publisher.