My Mum the Pirate
Whoever said having a pirate for a mum was fun? Cecil's mum wears long black boots and an even longer sword, and she makes her enemies walk the plank. Putrid Percival serves sea monster soup for dinner when Cecil would rather eat pizza. And Filthy Frederick stinks - but hey, he's good at maths, and nobody's perfect! Cecil gets seasick and all he wants is a normal life. With parent-teacher night looming, Cecil is worried. Will the crazy crew of the good ship Mermaid and his pirate mum ruin his street cred? But when flood waters strike and Bandicoot Flats Central School is in danger, who will save the students and teachers from the perils of the rising waters? the wacky talents of Jackie French and Stephen Michael King will delight younger readers as way-out and wild adventures unfold in the Wacky Family series. Ages 7+