Uticaj useva, zemljišta i konstrukcionih karakteristika mašina na efekte vadjenja korenastog i lukovičastog povrća
doktorska disertacija
註釋For the sake of successful usage of the existing mechanization and, besides adjustment of regime of work and differences in types of machines for digging the root and bulbed vegetables, the greatest problem is the contents of soil into the excavated mass, although the machines of lifting type, in this respect perform the operation more successfully than the machine of the excavating type which have much more effect.It is necessary to pay more attention to the choise of preparation and maintenance of the structure of soil, as well as to the choice of the corresponding sorts, in order that it coned be possible to achieve better results, while digging the vegetables and, especially that the additional engagement of workers in gathering the roots and bulbs-would be avoided.Adaptations have been taken and were done during these researches and these adaptations showed that by changing the operating units for digging the vegetables, the successful effects can be reached, in the digging of the biger number of variety of the root and bulbed vegetables.