Resegregation as Curriculum

"Blending critical race theory, contemporary pragmatism, and the new materialism, this book raises questions about methodology, power, and change. Educational policy analysis needs this book, as do curriculum studies, teacher education, and antiracist work for its focus on how policy is lived by those on the receiving end of structural oppression."

Patti Lather, Department of Education Studies, Ohio State university

"This provocative analysis offered by Rosiek and Kinslow offers an opportunity for researchers, policy makers, and school leaders and educators to think about the lived experience of Black students in desegregating and resegregating schools. The authors precisely detail the path leading to social and education policies that generated more suffering for Black students and also served to maintain white racial advantage in urban schools and communities."

Michael J. Dumas, graduate School of Education and African American Studies Department, University of California, Berkeley

"Calling for an ontological reorientation to combat the force of whiteness, Rosiek and Kinslow present agonizing interviews with students subjected to resegregation and institutional racism. They call for readers to inhabit a ‘respectful solidarity’ with the students who analyze their experience with sharp insight, outrage, despair, and resolve."

Stacy Alaimo, Professor of English, University of Texas at Arlington

Resegregation as Curriculum offers a compelling look at the formation and implementation of school resegregation as contemporary education policy, as well as its impact on the meaning of schooling for students subject to such policies. Working from a ten-year study of a school district undergoing a process of resegregation, Rosiek and Kinslow examine the ways this "new racial segregation" is rationalized and the psychological and sociological effects it has on the children of all races in that community. Drawing on critical race theory, agential realism, and contemporary pragmatist semiotics, the authors expose how these events functioned as a hidden curriculum that has profound repercussions on the students' identity formation, self-worth, conceptions of citizenship, and social hope. This important account of racial stratification of educational opportunity expands our understanding of the negative consequences of racial segregation in schools and serves as a critical resource for academics, educators, and experts who are concerned about the effects of resegregation nationwide.

Resegregation as Curriculum was the recipient of the O.L. Davis Book of the year award from the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum (2016).