Going Through Life with a "Kick Me" Sign

As a young man, author Harry Lee was idealistic; he felt he wanted to impact the lives of children by becoming a teacher. In Going thru Life with a "Kick Me" Sign, he shares the realities of his career as an urban educator.

In this memoir, he narrates his story from the beginning of his life, details of his youth, adult life, and his career from beginning to retirement. Offering a surprising roller coaster ride of humor, violence, advice, faith, corruption, and life-changing events, Lee shares a shocking view of urban education along with a host of his challenging life experiences.

Praise for Going thru Life with a "Kick Me" Sign

"Gripping ... An eye-opening look behind the walls of urban education. A true story of a broken system and the desolation that lies in its wake ... challenges, triumphs, heartaches, politics, betrayal, and a lost generation of urban children."

-Michael Williams, Bachelor of Arts, Masters of Education, Former Public School Superintendent

"This book provides an honest and open look at the world of education in urban America today revealing the rewards, challenges, and struggles from the classroom to the principal's office. Within its pages, author Harry Lee creatively shares his experience as a teacher in an urban setting by weaving humorous and heartwarming chalkboard stories of the life of a teacher, student life, poverty, security in the classroom, as well as exposing the shifting values and politics in education ..."

-Rev. Dr. Gene Burgess, Bachelor of Science, Masters of Professional Studies, Doctor of Divinity