The Black Notebooks


Deriving its title from the black-covered notebooks which were used in its formative composition, this title brings John O'Loughlin's metaphysical philosophy to its logical conclusion, and is therefore probably the most logically comprehensive of all his works to-date, drawing the various strands of his Social Theocratic philosophy together and presenting it in the uniquely aphoristic style which allows for both formal sequences of related ideas (maxims) and for a more informal presentation of material (aphorisms) that is almost essay-like in its relatively discursive character. That said, the material overall is carefully interwoven and taken well beyond the notebook stage of its inception, so that one can feel confident this is no mere off-the-cuff project but the fruit of meticulous composition which should stand O'Loughlin's philosophy in good stead, as well as add a crucial dimension to it which would not have been possible in the past but which here comes to light in terms of how a basic antithesis, namely that between energy and gravity, plays-out in a number of different or seemingly unrelated contexts in relation to what the author holds to be its gender-conditioned genesis. Some of the material, one should add, has already been published in two previous titles, viz. Stations of the Supercross and Supercrossed, but much of it has been reworked and revised here with the incorporation of some previously omitted content, while much additional original material has also been included to give this project its unique character and justify its publication as, in overall terms, a less formal if not looser version of what might seem to some readers the too formal nature of, in particular, Supercrossed, with its plethora of hyphenated phrases. Therefore this should prove an easier though still far from uncomplicated book to read. - A Centretruths Editorial.