Sir. Summary
StrengthsFinder 2.0, Tom Rath
, 2016
Study Aids / Book Notes
StrengthsFinder 2.0A Complete Summary!StrengthsFinder 2.0 is a book written by Tom Rath. The author himself is an American consultant on employee engagement. Besides that, he is also a writer of many successful books. With time, many of his books proved to be bestselling read, with more than five million copies sold and with his books translated in altogether sixteen languages. His most famous book is definitely StrengthsFinder 2.0. This book came out back in 2007 and not long after that it was marked as Wall Street Journal bestseller. In 2011 in the magazine The Economist StrengthsFinder 2.0 was listed as business bestseller known worldwide. But what is the book all about? To cut things short (and to leave many things to be said and explained in the 'summary' section) the shortest way to describe StrengthsFinder 2.0 is to describe it as a business self-help guidebook. In it the author speaks about strengths, which each and every one of us possess but most of people are unaware of the 'inner' strength. This means that every person has its own combination of qualities and skills specifically 'meant' for that single person. Also, every person is born with its natural talents. When these talents are properly guided and used in that person, he or she can develop the strength which Rath is talking about in the first place. Whether StrengthsFinder 2.0 is just another self-help book or is there something more about the strength Rath is talking about is for us to see and to read. Here Is A Preview Of What You Will Get:- You will get a summarized version of the book.- You will find the book analyzed to further strengthen your knowledge.-You will get some fun multiple choice quizzes, along with answers to help you learn about the book.Get a copy, and learn everything about StrengthsFinder.