The Art of Riding
Set Foorth in a Breefe Treatise, with a Due Interpretation of Certeine Places Alledged Out of Xenophon, and Gryson, Verie Expert and Excellent Horssemen: Wherein Also the True Vse of the Hand by the Said Grysons Rules and Precepts is Speciallie Touched: and how the Author of this Present Worke Hath Put the Same in Practise, Also what Profit Men Maie Reape Thereby: Without the Knowledge Whereof, All the Residue of the Order of Riding is But Vaine. Lastlie, is Added a Short Discourse of the Chaine Or Cauezzan, the Trench, and the Martingale: Written by a Gentleman of Great Skill and Long Experience in the Said Art
出版By Henrie Denham, 1584