Basic and General Clinical Skills
Vladimir Simunovic
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
, 2013-05-26
Medical / Education & Training
The majority of authors dealing with medical curricular reform agree that substantial progress in the training of clinical skills is still to be achieved. Clinical skills' training that is well organized and executed is one of the most essential components of a modern medical curriculum. Despite marked improvements in medical education, in-hospital hands-on training remains the weakest point in many curriculums. The "art of teaching" is still to be recognized as a respected professional skill that needs to be properly mastered and permanently improved, alongside with clinical competencies and research activities. In most medical schools, curriculum is traditionally divided in two parts, preclinical and clinical. Consequently, clinical skills are taught in senior years of the course and students should master a large number of skills over a short period of time. According to our Catalogue of Clinical Skills, there are mere than 500 skills to be mastered during undergraduate medical study, what is hardly possible. We believe that this problem can be at least partially solved if training of simple skills starts early in the curriculum, at the very beginning of the study. The course should start with the simplest tasks of patient care, such as positioning them in the bed, proper cleaning and skin care, and control of antiseptic measures. Gradually, the complexity of the training would increase leading to the acquisition of more demanding skills. This textbook, "Basic & General Clinical Skills," is a supplement to these efforts. First seven chapters are related to basic clinical skills and aimed to first and second year students, and chapters related to general clinical skills are aimed to all undergraduate students. In our concept, general clinical skills are those that belong to all clinical disciplines (e.g. skills pertinent to respiration, circulation, digestion and excretion). Those skills are complex; therefore, their basic will be explained at the beginning of the study, to be gradually mastered over the course of undergraduate study, with participation of many chairs. Certainly, their mastering will continue during the graduate study and latter, during the chosen career, in accordance to principle of life-long learning.For example, in section that describe the procedure of blood pressure measurement, the first and second year students will get acquainted with the phenomenon in broadest way, sufficient to understand its significance in basic resuscitation measures. In third year, during Clinical examination course (propedeutics) students will master the standard measurement procedure, which will be repeated during Internal medicine course, as well. In fifth year, during Anesthesia and intensive therapy course, the invasive blood pressure measurement procedure will be demonstrated, and, finally, in sixth year, during Family medicine course and during Clinical rotations, all acquired knowledge and skills pertinent to blood pressure will be re-evaluated and finally re-assessed. The same principle should be applied to all general clinical skills. In our opinion, this is the only possible approach to guarantee the mastering of all important skills in systematic manner and in full extent.To summary, this is a textbook which could be use in all years of medical undergraduate education, as well as in nursing schools.