Daniel Murray Papers
註釋Includes correspondence (1911-1917); biographical notes on some of the persons Murray intended to include in his Historical and Biographical Encyclopedia of the Colored Race Throughout the World (never completed); and clippings, programs, invitations, photographs, and other papers; together with correspondence (1908-1937) and legal papers (1899-1937) of Murray's wife, Anna Murray. Also includes detailed biographical notes on Benjamin Banneker (free African American astronomer from Baltimore, Md.), Charles E.M. Brooks, and Alexander Hamilton; published letters to the editor from Murray concerning the school policies of Roscoe C. Bruce, assistant superintendent of schools in Washington, D.C.; and U.S. Senate and local investigative reports on Bruce. Mrs. Murray's correspondence, in particular, reflects the Murray's participation in Washington, D.C.'s social and civic life. Other persons represented include Frank Baird.