Body, Mind And You

As the title suggests, this book mainly deals with three things, body, mind and you. The main purpose in writing this book is to demonstrate to you how you are different from the body and mind. The techniques explained in this book would be helpful to you to separate yourself from the body and mind. They make you understand how and why you are neither the body nor the mind. Here as everyone knows mind means the thoughts. So, if the thought process has been understood and thoughts have been put under control it can be said mind also completely comes into our control. Whatever techniques explained in this book are writer’s own and he is sharing them with the public only after experimenting with them and got the positive result. It is not a very big book and the techniques explained in this book are not exhaustive, but whatever techniques have been mentioned in this book if put into practice they sure shall be very much helpful. It should be said that the techniques mentioned in the book are not so easy. In the beginning they make you feel frustrate, but if you persist, if you continue your practice the techniques sure do give you good result. Patience, tolerance are the main requirements to put these techniques into practice and get the benefit from them. The writer hopes the techniques would be helpful to all those who read them and put them into practice as they are helpful to himself. The important points that are discussed in this book are deep sleep, negative thinking, positive thinking, law of attraction, etc. On some points in the book readers opinions may differ with the opinions of the writer but that would not be a problem to put the techniques explained in it into practice and get benefit from them. You need not go to any particular place, you need not expend any money to put these techniques into practice and get benefit from them. You can put these techniques into practice even while you are doing your work also and get the benefit from them.